How to Prevent Skin Redness for Men

Posted by Rocky Mountain Barber on

Is skin redness putting a damper on your confidence? We get it. Whether it’s dry flaky skin in the winter or red patches in the summer, the climate can be a harsh mistress on sensitive complexions. To battle the seasonal forces, our skin needs natural moisture to stay smooth and ready for outdoor (or indoor) action. So whatever your adventure, be it mountain climbing, camping or just lazing around patio-style, we’ll show you how prevent skin redness for men.

Wear SPF to prevent skin redness

The sun doles out many great things-- vitamin D, tans, bikinis-- but all that goodness comes with a catch...UV rays!  Not only can they leave burns, but even a minimal amount of exposure is enough to leave your skin inflamed and irritated. Give your skin a protective barrier against the sun by applying an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) everyday, the leading trick for preventing skin redness.

Apply it even if it’s overcast on a dark lousy day. Contrary to what you may think, 80% of the sun’s UV energy still peers through clouds, making it just as dangerous as a hot day.

Practice safe grooming

Show some love to your scruff. When left grizzly and untamed, your skin can dry out, leading to itching and redness. Before you know it, you’re fidgeting and scratching your face like a gorilla with the ticks.

Surely, you can practice safe grooming. This means being responsible and using protection so you won’t catch the scratchies! As your first line of defense, a natural beard oil can nourish and moisturize your beard or scruff to prevent skin redness.

Stay hydrated and moisturize

For the go-getting tripper, there are few indulgences more satisfying than sitting under a sun-soaked sky, nursing an icy beer.

Well now you should subtract the beer part-- at least more often to prevent skin redness. The toxins and dehydrating effects of drinking leaches moisture from your skin, causing increased sensitivity and discoloration.

You can also minimize skin sensitivity by switching to a natural men's moisturizer It’s free from synthetic chemicals and made with calming botanical oils to gently cleanse and soothe your skin.

If you want to prevent skin redness, there’s no shortcuts that can belay you to the peak of facial greatness. With time and a whole lot of TLC, you can achieve the clear complexion you crave -- especially when the winter is coming.

Stay groomed and glorious, guys!

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