Men's Double Edge Safety Razor
Many safety razors are either too aggressive, resulting in unwanted irritation, or too mild, requiring many passes to remove hairs. Our three-piece safety razor is perfectly balance to give you a smooth and comfortable shave every time.
Safety razor weight plays a critical role in how easy it is to remove hairs while shaving. At 3.7 ounces, our safety razor provides you with the weight & control needed to shave with less effort & pressure.
Our safety razor features a closed comb design and is made with a fully-enclosed safety bar which provides the optimal amount of blade-to-skin contact while shaving. This added layer of protection means an over aggressive blade or lapse in technique around hard to shave places like your neck or upper lip won’t cut or nick your skin and cause irritation.
Our 3 piece design makes removing and replacing blades a breeze. Simply twist the handle to separate the pieces and swap your old blade for a fresh one. Our 3 piece design also means rinsing out shaving cream and small hairs in between passes and after shaving is a breeze. When it’s time to give your razor a deep and thorough clean you’ll love being able to separate all three pieces from one another.